Last Update: 02/01/2025
Areas of Interest
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Religion
Current PhD, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
08. 2021. MA, Philosophy, Seoul National University
08. 2018. BS, Biological Sciences & BA, Philosophy, Seoul National University
Summa cum laude & President's Award
07. 2024. Research Grant, Korea Foundation for Advanced studies
03. 2022. University Presidential Fellowship, University of Notre Dame
08. 2021. Woogok M. A. Thesis Prize, Seoul National University
08. 2018. President’s Award (총장상/후기 최우수), Seoul National University
Graduated with the highest grades from College of National Sciences, awarded twice a year
08. 2018. Myungkyung B. A. Thesis Prize, Seoul National University
06/2025. “Mystical Experience, Perception, and Cognitive Influence” (Forthcoming), Rutgers Analytic Theology Seminar (RATS)
04/2025. “Mutually Constituting Artoworks and the Non-Asymmetry of the Matter Relation” (Forthcoming), Americal Society for Aesthetics (ASA) Eastern Meeting
12/2024. “A Theory of Laws with Essence and Contingency”, 8th Panhellenic Conference on Philosophy of Science
02/2021. “The Problem of Character Identity from a Constructive Perspective”, Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy – The 12th Graduate Student Workshop
05/2020. “Holmes as a Property Construct: An Alternative Metaphysic for Fictional Objects”, The 60th SNU Graduate Student Workshop in Analytic Philosophy,
[MA Thesis]
속성 구축물로서의 홈즈 : 허구적 캐릭터에 대한 구성적 형이상학, 서울 : 서울대학교 대학원, 2021
Holmes as a Property Construct: A Constructive Metaphysic for Fictional Characters, Seoul: SNU Graduate School, 2021
A partial and refined version available in English [Here]
TA Experience (SNU)
113.466 001 Metaphysics
113.227 001 Symbolic Logic
991.101 005 Selected Topics Seminar 1 (Topic: Knowledge)
043.047 002 Understanding Western Philosophy
043.052 001 Philosophy in Historical Context (Topic: Anscombe’s Intention)
043.047 002 Understanding Western Philosophy
054.001 025 Undergraduate Independent Study 1
TA Experience (Notre Dame)
PHIL 10111 Introduction to Philosophy: God and the Good Life (Current, Spring 2025)
PHIL20101 Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2023)